סמינר מחלקתי: The evolution of perovskite based solar cells
הסמינר השבועי של בית הספר ללימודי הסביבה ע"ש פורטר
יום שני, 11 ביוני 2018, שעה 15:00-16:00
בניין הקפסולה, אודיטוריום (קומה 1-)
The evolution of perovskite based solar cells
Prof. Lioz Etgar
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Institute of Chemistry,
Casali Center for Applied Chemistry
Photovoltaic cells (PVCs) use semiconductors to convert sunlight into electrical current and are regarded as a key technology for a sustainable energy supply. The 1st and 2nd generations of PV technology were based on bulk semiconductor solids, accompanied by a relatively high manufacturing cost. The 3rd generation of PV cells, developed over the past two decades, differ from previous cells in that they don't necessarily rely only on a traditional single p-n junction configuration. Instead, they are configured as donor-acceptor (D-A) hetero-junctions, with staggered electronic band alignment. These 3rd generation PV cells also carry a lower manufacturing cost.
Recent discoveries have revealed a breakthrough in the field using inorganic-organic hybrid layers called perovskites as the light harvester in the solar cell. The inorganic-organic arrangement is self-assembled as alternate layers, being a simple, low cost procedure. These organic-inorganic hybrids promise several benefits not delivered by the separate constituents.
The current research concentrates on the investigation of perovskite based PV cells, when the Perovskite hybrids function in a unique way as the light harvester and hole conductor simultaneously. The elimination of hole transport material in this solar cell structure avoids oxidation and infiltration problems of the hole transport material into the porous TiO2. In addition, it provides better stability of the solar cells. This unique solar cell structure is made from a material that is dramatically cheaper to obtain and use than silicon. Operatively, low cost techniques are used for the deposition of these materials as thin film on the appropriate PV component. Photovoltaic and electrochemical characterization are used to reveal the operation mechanisms of this innovative perovskite solar cell. It is expected that the gain knowledge from the current research will supply guiding lines for the design of innovative perovskite based solar cells, paving the way to low cost high efficiency solar cells.
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