Special Seminar

13 ביוני 2018, 15:30 

The Porter School for the Environment and Earth Sciences


Invite you to a Special Seminar:


Wednesday, 13 June 2018, 15:30

Porter Building, Capsule




Zbigniew Klimont


The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)


Bridging Science and Policy: Application of Integrated Assessment Models to Address Regional Air Pollution and Climate Change


In this talk the GAINS model develop by IIASA and its application will be presented. The speaker will also describe other IAMs developed in IIASA. With the recent formal joining of Israel to IIASA the speaker will describe what kind of research groups IIASA seek collaboration with and also talk about some available exchange opportunities.






אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות יש לפנות למערכת הפניות >>