הסמינר השבועי: Turning plant wastes into bio-ethanol using non-polluting ozone pretreatment
הסמינר השבועי של החוג ללימודי הסביבה
יום שני, 1 ביוני 2020, שעה 15:00-16:00
הרצאה מוקלטת
הסמינר השבועי: Turning plant wastes into bio-ethanol using non-polluting ozone pretreatment
יאן רוזן
Plant waste (lignocellulosic) is a promising sustainable feedstock for ethanol production, but requires costly and polluting pretreatment, often resulting in toxic by-products. Ozonation, nonpolluting, effective pretreatment method, is not used commercially due to high energy requirements of ozone production at high ozone doses needed. My results, however, demonstrated that low-dose ozonation of water-submerged waste resulted in improved enzymatic saccharification efficiency. These results suggest that contrary to common hypothesis, short ozonation could offer an effective and feasible pretreatment method for high sugar release without the need for delignification. In addition, ozonation had showed the ability to remove common yeasts inhibitors which are being produced by other common pretreatment methods. Furthermore, ozonation can be generated on-site and on demand, enabling decentralized pretreatment operated near the feed source, thus overcoming transportation costs.