סמינר מחלקתי: Possible health effects of transported desert dust and urban pollution

14 במאי 2018, 15:00 


הסמינר השבועי של בית הספר ללימודי הסביבה ע"ש פורטר

יום שני, 14 במאי 2018, שעה 15:00-16:00

בניין הקפסולה, אודיטוריום (קומה 1-)


Possible health effects of transported desert dust

and urban pollution


פרופ' ינון רודיך

Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel


People in cities are exposed to various types of particulate matter from numerous emission sources such as transported motor emissions, biomass burning aerosols and resuspended road dust. The biological effects of due to exposure to such particles may depend on the inherent and adsorbed chemical components in these particles and on the exposure extent. We will describe transport of bacteria from different desert sources in the Eastern Mediterranean, how the seasonal variations in the chemical composition of pollution particles from Beijing affect their potential health impacts and possible health effects of resuspended road dust from large cities in Europe. Specifically, we will describe in vivo and in vitro studies that highlight the interplay between chemical composition, oxidative stress, inflammation and activation of defense mechanisms in the overall biological effects of exposure to pollution.



E-mail: Yinon.rudich@weizmann.ac.il

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