Opportunities in the field of alternative proteins

27 בדצמבר 2021, 15:00 
אודיטוריום פורטר + זום 
סמינר חוגי

Please join us for our next Monday departmental seminar on the 27th of December from 15:00 to 16:00 at the Porter Auditorium.




Dr Tom Ben-Arye, The Good Food Institute


Title: Opportunities in the field of alternative proteins



Increasing public awareness towards foodborne illnesses, factory farming and the ecological footprint of animal agriculture has generated an incentive to develop alternatives to meat. Traditional alternatives exist, however, they do not provide adequate biomimicry of meat and suffer from low consumer acceptance. This lecture will discuss the R&D, bottlenecks and opportunities of novel technologies and innovations that aim to mimic the organoleptic properties of meat using plants, farm-animal cell cultures, and microorganisms. We will first discuss cultivated meat, from cell culture, tissue engineering and food engineering. We will discuss plant sources, their relative advantages and processing technologies. We will also discuss traditional, precision and biomass fermentation. Lastly, we will discuss meat structure and biochemistry.



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