Disaster psychology - planning for emergencies with the client (people) in mind - Dr Moran Bodas

07 במרץ 2022, 15:00 
אודיטוריום פורטר + זום 
סמינר חוגי

.Please join us for our next Monday departmental seminar on the 7th of March from 15:00 to 16:00 at the Porter Auditorium




Disaster psychology - planning for emergencies with the client (people) in mind

Dr Moran Bodas


Senior lecturer, Department of Emergency & Disaster Management, TAU

Acting director, National Center for Trauma and Emergency Medicine Research, the Gertnet Institute, Ben Gurion University



Despite best intentions and considerable effort, promoting households' preparedness to emergencies remains insufficiently low globally. It seems that, in some cases, particularly those in which populations are frequently exposed to any given threat, a more complex picture emerges. People want to live their lives in peace and quiet, and they want to worry about ordinary things. Do we really expect them to put everything on hold and devote time and effort preparing for something they cannot even fully comprehend? What about fear and anxiety associated with emergency preparedness, do we expect it to "go away"?  The COVID-19 pandemic is a prime opportunity to dive deep into the human psyche during emergency situations. Out-of-the-box thinking is required to promote public readiness and increase societal resilience to withstand crises. The good news is that such innovative approaches exist. The bad news is that no one seems to care


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