Learning from Business on the Frontline of Sustainability

הרצאתו של ד"ר מייקל בראון במסגרת הסמינר המחלקתי של בית הספר. ההרצאה תתקיים בבניין דן דוד אולם 001

27 בנובמבר 2013, 17:00 

ד"ר מייקל בראון הינו שותף בפירמת הייעוץ לקיימות Brown and Wilmanns Environmental המטמיעה בקרב לקוחותיה אסטרטגיה עסקית לקיימות, קביעת יעדים ואופני מדידה וניתוח השפעות קיימות פנים וחוץ ארגוניות. 

Bridging Sustainability and Business Strategy
Michael S. Brown, PhD
Brown and Wilmanns Environmental
Porter School Seminar, Tel Aviv University


Sustainability is becoming a norm in businesses across North America and Europe and is growing in significance in Asia, Latin America, and Africa.  Implementation of sustainability varies enormously with some businesses embracing sustainability as a vital part of their business strategy and others viewing sustainability as a compartmentalized function.  

The talk will focus on leadership companies and use their experience to discuss the relationship of sustainability to business strategy, influences on approaches to sustainability, relationships with academic communities, and opportunities for research and collaboration between industry and academia.  Much of the discussion will incorporate the experience of selected North American companies with some reference to European experience, particularly in the Nordic countries.  

The talk will touch on how leading companies are seeking innovation in products, systems, and business relationships and the various roles that sustainability may play in those efforts.  It will also include a brief discussion of the factors that enhance the success of collaborations between academia and industry along with transitions between the two communities.

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש
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